Adventure is out there!

Adventure is out there!

I designed this cute little poster after a quick google search. I designed it with Canva and then printed it in black and white.


After printing the image, I taped it to the back of the canvas and traced the lettering and put in some quick details for the house.


I painted the background with a quick basecoat and then started lettering with POSCA paint pens. This part required three coats, and it was a little tricky, even over a lamp. After the lettering dried, I went in with a detail brush and covered the whole painting in a second coat of paint to make it look flat. Then I started putting in details on the house, half with paint pen and half with custom mixed colors. The final step was to cover the white space with balloons, and honestly I might add more. While the balloons paint was still slightly wet I used a gray and white color to add strings, this way some of the balloon color got pulled into the design and the final look was more blended.


Tips and Tricks:

  1. Designing the poster in Canva ahead of time saved me lots of frustration with alignment. It was easy and free!
  2. Paint pens were a lifesaver here. They were the most precise with the least amount of effort and left me with little mess.
  3. The house was important to do with mixed colors, despite the allure of paint pens. If it was done with paint pen it looked too blocky and childish. The bottom was also important. Even with just a few sparse details, adding the hint of plumbing and framing made the whole canvas look so much better.

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