Boom Boom Canvas

For the BOOM BOOM canvas, I knew I wanted a heart to be the center of the piece. To keep the biggest ideas in focus, I decided to make the Pi Phi, Heart, and BOOM BOOM all evenly sized and spaced throughout the canvas, and fill in the areas with supporting words.

Pi Phi

After writing up the PDF, I printed a piece of paper with my poster theme on it, in black so it would be fairly visible. I taped the paper in the back of my canvas (it’s an 9×12) and traced the outlines.


After tracing the outlines, I gave the canvas a quick wash in the purple I wanted to use for the background. This way I could still see the pencil through the paint, but I had a base of color down. Then I started tracing the letters in paint. After doing this with both a brush, sharpie, and paint pen, I recommend using a paint pen. It’s the most precise. For this project, I outlined the heart in red paint pen, but switched to red paint to build up a more opaque color (it took quite a few coats.)


To make the BOOM BOOM stand out, I decided to do metallic chevron, with gold and silver paint pens. As I worked on this part, I noticed that outlining the letters in gold made the whole effect cleaner, even though you could see some of the white base poking through.


The whole base coat still looked a little splotchy at this point, so I went back through and painted over it with a sponge brush and smaller detail brushes around the details. This gave the background a flat and clean look and really pulled the piece together.


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